cover image of Webinar: Resources for history teachers: 27 January, International Holocaust Remembrance Day  project

    Webinar 'Resources for history teachers: 27 January, International Holocaust Remembrance Day'

    We invite you to take part in the webinar which will take place on 19 January 2023 at 5 pm CET.  The webinar is aimed for primary and secondary school teachers working with students aged 13–18, in particular teachers of history and civic education, as well as teachers of other subjects. 
    Speakers: Julia Mayr (Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium Enns), Urszula Bijoś (ENRS) 
    On 27. January, the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau German Nazi Concentration Camp, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day is commemorated. This day, established by the United Nations, might be an opportunity to introduce the topic of the Holocaust to your students. We encourage you to plan and conduct a lesson or a school event to commemorate the remembrance day.  During the webinar we will present a new educational kit of teaching resources about the Holocaust which help you prepare an interactive lesson for your students. Julia Mayer, a teacher from Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium Enns in Austria, will talk about ways to prepare students to discuss the topic of the Holocaust. During the webinar, we will explore the free resources available on the ‘Hi-story Lessons’ platform, such as the infographics, maps, various sources of information, lesson plans and animations. 
    Zoom registration link: 
    Please register until 16 January 2023. 

    The series of webinars will be delivered by Urszula Bijoś, the coordinator of the 'Hi-story Lessons: Teaching 20th-century European History' project for the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity. Bijoś has a master's degree in history from the University of Warsaw and is an experienced educator, facilitating meetings and webinars as well as creating educational resources. She is the co-author of the 'Cities and Memory' guidebook series and aims to make history more accessible.
    Contact person:

    Our previous webinars can be found here: