Tenth edition of the European Remembrance Symposium held in Trinity College, Dublin has come to an end.
We wish to thank everyone who contributed to this year's edition of the event! Thank you to all distinguished panellists and participants for sharing experiences, exchanging ideas and creating an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding.
Thank you for building the European culture of remembrance!
Many thanks to the co-organiser of a Dublin Symposium: Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation and this year's partners: Ústav pamäti národa, The Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE), Polish Embassyin Dublin,Slovak Embassy in Ireland, German Embassy in Dublin and Embassy of Hungary in Dublin.
We're looking forward to meeting you all again in 2023!
We encourage you to revisit the recordings of three-day discussions in Dublin and the photo gallery .