Updated Hi-Story Lessons website

Updated Hi-Story Lessons website

Updated Hi-Story Lessons website

Visit our updated educational platform Hi-Story Lessons!

Last year we updated our multilingual, web-based educational platform Hi-Story Lessons, which aims at secondary school teachers and students, as well as all history enthusiasts, focused on the 20th-century history.
The resources provided by us are available in English, German, Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian and Czech!

The platform offers various educational resources such as infographics, animations, lesson plans and guidelines, interactive timelines with a list of events from the 20th century.
The practical models are designed to help integrate new media into the classroom and enable teachers to deliver lessons raising awareness of different thoughts on the same historian issue. The project focuses on fostering engaged learning and developing basic skills which helps them to avoid disinformation and analyse primary sources.  

Go to the Hi-story Lessons platform.

Learn how to find teaching resources on Hi-Story Lessons:

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