Browse our videos! Here you can find recordings from our events, including the European Remembrance Symposia and Genealogies of Memory conferences, video summaries of our educational youth projects, as well as Hi-story lessons animations for teachers and pupils.

Photo of the publication ul. Rakowiecka, Warsaw
Anna Kasperska

ul. Rakowiecka, Warsaw

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:41

A short feature made by Anna Kasperska in Rakowiecka Prison in Warsaw, Poland.

Anna Kasperska - born in 1986. Graduate of Master studies in filmmaking on Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She has been involved in a film making, promotion and education since 2009. She realized three movies. One of them – “Together, written separately” – made as her diploma work this year is currently distributed for the film festivals. Between 2010 and 2013 she organized a series of independent film screenings in Warsaw cinemas. In 2013 she created and coordinated international film project focused on the topic of the border in Polish-Ukrainian cooperation.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:41
Photo of the publication Dark Room Talk
Nora Dohles

Dark Room Talk

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:07

Conversation filmed in a dark room with Vlad Bujdei-Tebeica, a participant of the Freedom Express, during a visit in the House of Terror Museum in Budapest, Hungary. 04/09/2014. A short feature by Nora Dohles.

Nora Dohles - born in 1991. Student of Bachelor studies in the field of literature, arts and media on the University of Constance. She is developing her career as a cultural event manager and web specialist. She was a camera operator and sound designer in the short movie university project “What is the ecological footprint?”. She organized 2 big workshops and the KAFKA 2014 exhibition for Goethe Institute in Prague. She worked for Rob Swainstons Atelier in New York as a print shop and art studio manager.

Vlad Bujdei-Tebeica - born in 1989. Graduate of Bachelor studies in Political Science on National University of Political Science and Public Administration in Bucharest. Since 2012 he has been developing his career as a journalist, both as a photographer and as a publicist. For last 4 years he has been an active volunteer in the Center of Studies in Political Ideas (CeSIP), non-governmental organization from Bucharest. Since 2012 he has been responsible for its’ program, also representing it on national and international level.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:07
Photo of the publication DRESS REHEARSAL
Anna Kasperska


language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:27

A short feature made by Anna Kasperska in Gdańsk, Poland.

Anna Kasperska - born in 1986. Graduate of Master studies in filmmaking on Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She has been involved in a film making, promotion and education since 2009. She realized three movies. One of them – “Together, written separately” – made as her diploma work this year is currently distributed for the film festivals. Between 2010 and 2013 she organized a series of independent film screenings in Warsaw cinemas. In 2013 she created and coordinated international film project focused on the topic of the border in Polish-Ukrainian cooperation.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: Polish
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:27
Photo of the publication 04:48
Anna Kasperska


language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:57

A short feature by Anna Kasperska showing commemorations of the attack on the Westerplatte and the beginning of the Second World War.

Anna Kasperska - born in 1986. Graduate of Master studies in filmmaking on Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She has been involved in a film making, promotion and education since 2009. She realized three movies. One of them – “Together, written separately” – made as her diploma work this year is currently distributed for the film festivals. Between 2010 and 2013 she organized a series of independent film screenings in Warsaw cinemas. In 2013 she created and coordinated international film project focused on the topic of the border in Polish-Ukrainian cooperation.

The feature was made as a part of the Freedom Express project - an international social and educational campaign launched on the 25th anniversary of the “year of changes” – the year 1989. The project was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity with the support of ministries of culture from Central European countries and in cooperation with many institutions dealing with the history of the 20th century.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:00:57
Photo of the publication Freedom Express - Day 1 Vlog

Freedom Express - Day 1 Vlog

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:03:53
First day impressions. 'Freedom Express' is a two-week journey through six countries of the former communist block, in which 20 young artists, academics, journalists and cultural animators from all of Europe participate. Route: Gdańsk 29.08, Warsaw 2.09, Budapest 3.09, Timișoara 5.09, Sopron 7.09, Bratislava 8.09, Prague 9.09 and Berlin 11.09 - 14.09.
language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:03:53
Photo of the publication Freedom Express - study trip. Meet the passengers!

Freedom Express - study trip. Meet the passengers!

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:04:01

'Freedom Express' was a two-week journey through six countries of the former communist block, in which 20 young artists, academics, journalists and cultural animators from all of Europe participated.

Route: Gdańsk 29.08, Warsaw 2.09, Budapest 3.09, Timișoara 5.09, Sopron 7.09, Bratislava 8.09, Prague 9.09 and Berlin 11.09 - 14.09.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:04:01
Photo of the publication Freedom Express - trailer of a documentary film

Freedom Express - trailer of a documentary film

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:01:07

Freedom Express Study Trip took place in September 2014 with 20 young Europeans going in the footsteps of the events from 1989, when the communism fell in East-Central Europe. Representatives from Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Costa Rica, Moldova, Hungary and the United Kingdom undertook a two-week journey visiting six countries of the former eastern bloc. Time was spent in meetings and workshops, discussing and exchanging opinions, trying to experience the atmosphere of late 1980s. The group reported their thoughts, emotions and opinions connected with the journey on a blog, see

The Study Trip was part of the socio-educational campaign organized by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:01:07
Photo of the publication Sandra Kalniete about 1989

Sandra Kalniete about 1989

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:58
language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:58
Photo of the publication Mateusz Fałkowski about 1989

Mateusz Fałkowski about 1989

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:06:43

Mateusz Fałkowski discusses the 1989 transformation in Poland.

The video was made as a part of the Freedom Express project celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism in Europe.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:06:43
Photo of the publication Josef Höchtl about 1989

Josef Höchtl about 1989

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:06:35

Listen to Josef Höchtl - Austrian social sciences and economics scholar, and former politician - talk about the events that led to the fall of communism in Europe.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:06:35
Photo of the publication Oldřich Tůma about 1989

Oldřich Tůma about 1989

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:10:34

The Director of the Institute of Contemporary History at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Oldřich Tůma is one of the most renowned Czech historians focusing on the post-war history of Czechoslovakia. Listen to him discuss the fall of communism in Europe.

The video was made as a part of the Freedom Express project celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism in Europe.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:10:34
Photo of the publication Michal Kopeček about 1989

Michal Kopeček about 1989

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:16:15

Michal Kopeček since 2003 is head of the history department at the Institute of Contemporary History in Prague. Since 2010, he lectures Czech and Central European history as an assistant professor at the Institute of Czech History at Charles University in Prague.

Listen to his monologue about events which led to overthrowing the communism, his experiences connected to them, and the public awareness of them.

The video was made as a part of the Freedom Express project celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism in Europe.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:16:15
Photo of the publication Peter Jašek about 1989

Peter Jašek about 1989

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:42

Peter Jašek from the Nation's Memory Institute talks about his memories connected with the protests against communism, discusses the Velvet Revolution and what it meant for the citizens of Czechoslovakia.

This video was made as a part of the Freedom Express project celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism in Europe.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:42
Photo of the publication Attila Pók about 1989 in Hungary

Attila Pók about 1989 in Hungary

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:11:14

Deputy director of the Institute of History, Research Center for the Humanities at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and member of the Executive Presidium of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His scholarly interests include European and Hungarian politics, 19th- and 20th-century intellectual history, 19th- and 20th-century European historical writing, the theory and methodology of history and the history of nationalism.

Listen to his monologue about the political events in Hungary which led to overthrowing the communism regime in 1989.

The video was made as a part of the Freedom Express project celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism in Europe.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:11:14
Photo of the publication Włodzimierz Borodziej about 1989

Włodzimierz Borodziej about 1989

language: Polish
subtitles: English
duration: 00:02:25

Włodzimierz Borodziej is a history professor at the History Department of University of Warsaw. Editor in chief of Polish Diplomatic Documents, published by the Polish Institute of InternationalAffairs. Chairman of Academic Committee of the House of European History in Brussels.

Listen to his statement about the changes in 1989 and what they ment for the central Europe, specifically for Poland.

The video was made as a part of the Freedom Express project celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism in Europe.

language: Polish
subtitles: English
duration: 00:02:25
Photo of the publication Vasil Kadrinov about 1989 in Bulgaria

Vasil Kadrinov about 1989 in Bulgaria

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:12:27

Vasil Kadrinov is the director of the Hannah Arendt Center in Sofia and a former political prisoner of the Bulgarian communist regime. Listen to him talk about his experiences and the history of the communist regime in Bulgaria.

The video was made as a part of the Freedom Express project celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism in Europe.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:12:27
Photo of the publication Stefan Troebst about 1989

Stefan Troebst about 1989

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:11:07

Stefan Troebst is Professor of East European Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig. His fields of research are international and inter-ethnic relations in modern Eastern Europe as well as the comparative cultural history of contemporary Europe. Listen to him explain the differences between the fall of communism in different East and Central European countries.

The video was made as a part of the Freedom Express project celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism in Europe.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:11:07
Photo of the publication Pieter Lagrou on 1989

Pieter Lagrou on 1989

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:13:06
language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:13:06