Marcela Sălăgean is a university professor at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of international studies and contemporary history. She is: author, co-author and coordinator of 21 volumes and several dozen studies and articles dealing topics from the field of contemporary history of Romania and international relations; member of several committees and structures at the university level; member of some editorial committees and the team’s research projects. From 2022 is member in Academic Council of the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS). She also served as member in Advisory Board of the ENRS (2017-2022); member in Academic Council - International project of an outdoor exhibition titled ‘After the Great War. Europe 1918-1923’ of the ENRS and member of the Jury of the ‘In Between? – image and memory’ of the ENRS.

Prof. Marcela Sălăgean