Browse our videos! Here you can find recordings from our events, including the European Remembrance Symposia and Genealogies of Memory conferences, video summaries of our educational youth projects, as well as Hi-story lessons animations for teachers and pupils.

Photo of the publication Honouring the Academic and Professional Contributions of Professor Jan Rydel | 12th European Remembrance Symposium

Honouring the Academic and Professional Contributions of Professor Jan Rydel | 12th European Remembrance Symposium

language: English
duration: 13:53

On the first day of the 12th European Remembrance Symposium, we had the pleasure of celebrating Professor Jan Rydel, a long-time collaborator and friend of the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity.

As a token of our appreciation for his work and dedication, he received the joint publication “In the Service of History and Politics: Bronowice - Cracow - Berlin - Warsaw - A Jubilee Book Dedicated to Prof. Jan Rydel on the 65th Anniversary of His Birth,” published by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity in cooperation with the Scientific Society Societas Vistulana.

language: English
duration: 13:53
Photo of the publication To Understand Memory: Between Academic and Literary Writing | April

To Understand Memory: Between Academic and Literary Writing | April

language: Polish
duration: 1:38:50

Reportaż “Czystka” Katarzyny Surmiak-Domańskiej to detektywistyczna próba odnalezienia przemilczanej przeszłości najbliższych członków rodziny, podczas której odkrywane są międzypokoleniowe traumy. Osobista historia autorki okazuje się jednak historią uniwersalną, opisującą rodzinne trudności (nie tylko) Kresowian.

W swojej nowej publikacji “Traumaland. Polacy w cieniu przeszłości” Michał Bilewicz opisuje psychologię Polaków i Polek: nasze traumy, wierzenia i lęki, a zarazem pokazuje, że jako mieszkańcy Traumalandu nie jesteśmy odosobnieni w swoich przeżyciach. Ta książka to podręcznik pozwalający zrozumieć naszą przeszłość i dający wskazówki, jak się z nią uporać.

Publikacje Surmiak-Domańskiej i Bilewicza to punkt wyjścia do dyskusji o tym, co składa się na nas - Polki i Polaków. Jak pamiętamy i jak ta pamięć na nas wpływa? Co lepiej pozwala zrozumieć nasze modus operandi – reporterska wnikliwość czy psychologiczny sznyt?


Katarzyna Surmiak-Domańska, "Czystka"

Michał Bilewicz, "Traumaland. Polacy w cieniu przeszłości"

Prowadzenie: Małgorzata Pakier

language: Polish
duration: 1:38:50
Photo of the publication To Understand Memory: Between Academic and Literary Writing | February

To Understand Memory: Between Academic and Literary Writing | February

language: Polish
duration: 1:44:36

W osobistym reportażu “Wymyślone miasto Lwów” Ziemowit Szczerek opisuje miasto dobrze znane, ale zarazem tajemnicze, zmieniające się i wielowymiarowe. Trudna historia – i teraźniejszość – Lwowa jest punktem wyjścia do rozmowy o tożsamości miasta i tożsamości jego mieszkańców.

W nagradzanej pracy „Muzea-preteksty...” Łukasz Bukowiecki bada Warszawę i to, co mogło w niej być. Zabiera nas na spacer śladami nieistniejących muzeów i opowiada o przeszłości Warszawy z punktu widzenia budynków, które unaoczniają przeżycia miasta.

Szczerek i Bukowiecki skupiają się na miejscach na wpół legendarnych, (nie)istniejących i (nie)przekształconych w kontekście wielowarstwowego dziedzictwa: od dawnej historii polskiej czy rosyjskiej, przez II wojnę światową i komunizm, po czasy współczesne. Jak pamięć i niepamięć miasta jawią się w narracji reporterskiej, a jak opisują je narzędzia pojęciowe wypracowane przez studia kulturowe? Jak te dwa gatunki przenikają się nawzajem i dlaczego właśnie miasto to wdzięczny temat do takiego transdyscyplinarnego spotkania?


Ziemowit Szczerek, "Wymyślone miasto Lwów"

Dr. Łukasz Bukowiecki, "Muzea-preteksty. Niezrealizowane przedsięwzięcia muzealne wobec negatywnego dziedzictwa w Warszawie"

Prowadzenie: Małgorzata Pakier

language: Polish
duration: 1:44:36
Photo of the publication To Understand Memory: Between Academic and Literary Writing | January

To Understand Memory: Between Academic and Literary Writing | January

language: Polish
duration: 1:47:22

Jak rozumieć zwrot ludowy w kontekście przemian polskiej pamięci? Jak wpływa na pamięć narracja reporterska, a jak robią to narzędzia pojęciowe wypracowane przez historię społeczną?

W głośnej książce „Chłopki” Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak sięga do źródeł z przeszłości, by opowiedzieć wielu współczesnym czytelniczkom i czytelnikom historię ich babek i prababek, ich codzienności, obawach i pragnieniu zmiany. W opowieści tej słychać echo debaty społecznej ważnej także z perspektywy dzisiejszej.

We wnikliwej pracy o ludności wiejskiej w PRL historyczka dr. hab. Ewelina Szpak bada reakcję społeczności wiejskiej na zmianę, krytycznie posługując się naukowym pojęciem mentalności. Interesują ją przy tym takie obszary życia, jak polityka, praca, czas wolny, sąsiedztwo, higiena, czy religijność.

Obie książki patrzą na dawny świat okiem niezwykle wrażliwym i otwierają inne perspektywy dla współczesnych tożsamości.


Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak, "Chłopki"

dr. hab. Ewelina Szpak, "Mentalność ludności wiejskiej w PRL. Studium zmian"

Prowadzenie: Małgorzata Pakier

language: Polish
duration: 1:47:22
Photo of the publication Sound in the Silence - Presentation of the Project

Sound in the Silence - Presentation of the Project

subtitles: English
duration: 12:28

Sound in the Silence is an intercultural and international remembrance project for youth. At historically challenging locations students work with artists representing different artistic fields in order to understand how the past is connected to their questions in the present.

This film presents the 2022/2023 edition of the programme during the conference “What’s the Point of History… If We Never Learn?” that took place in Berlin on 16-17 October.

subtitles: English
duration: 12:28
Photo of the publication Cultural Memory and Natural Disasters | 13th Genealogies of Memory

Cultural Memory and Natural Disasters | 13th Genealogies of Memory

language: English
duration: 2:11:55

The 13th conference of the series 'Genealogies of Memory'! This year's theme was 'Pandemics, Famines, and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.'

For three days scholars from a variety of countries discussed discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale natural and human-induced disasters in Europe and beyond.

The event aimed to shed light on how individuals and collectives cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale events, including wars, famines, pandemics, and natural or industrial disasters.

The core idea of 'Genealogies of Memory' is to facilitate academic exchange among Central and East European scholars of individual and collective memory, with the intention of promoting the study of memory in this region within the broader international academic community.

Panel titled “Cultural Memory and Natural Disasters.”

language: English
duration: 2:11:55
Photo of the publication Between Trauma, Memory and Forgetting | 13th Genealogies of Memory

Between Trauma, Memory and Forgetting | 13th Genealogies of Memory

language: English
duration: 1:22:46

The 13th conference of the series 'Genealogies of Memory'! This year's theme was 'Pandemics, Famines, and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.'

For three days scholars from a variety of countries discussed discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale natural and human-induced disasters in Europe and beyond.

The event aimed to shed light on how individuals and collectives cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale events, including wars, famines, pandemics, and natural or industrial disasters.

The core idea of 'Genealogies of Memory' is to facilitate academic exchange among Central and East European scholars of individual and collective memory, with the intention of promoting the study of memory in this region within the broader international academic community.

Roundtable discussion titled “Between Trauma, Memory and Forgetting - Nuclear, Environmental and Human-Induced Disasters in the 20th and 21st Centuries.”

language: English
duration: 1:22:46
Photo of the publication Discourses on Nuclear, Global and Environmental Crises | 13th Genealogies of Memory

Discourses on Nuclear, Global and Environmental Crises | 13th Genealogies of Memory

language: English
duration: 1:56:10

The 13th conference of the series 'Genealogies of Memory'! This year's theme was 'Pandemics, Famines, and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.'

For three days scholars from a variety of countries discussed discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale natural and human-induced disasters in Europe and beyond.

The event aimed to shed light on how individuals and collectives cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale events, including wars, famines, pandemics, and natural or industrial disasters.

The core idea of 'Genealogies of Memory' is to facilitate academic exchange among Central and East European scholars of individual and collective memory, with the intention of promoting the study of memory in this region within the broader international academic community.

Panel titled “Discourses on Nuclear, Global and Environmental Crises.”

language: English
duration: 1:56:10
Photo of the publication Slow violence and Memory of Industrial Catastrophes | 13th Genealogies of Memory

'Slow violence' and Memory of Industrial Catastrophes | 13th Genealogies of Memory

language: English
duration: 2:33:53

The 13th conference of the series 'Genealogies of Memory'! This year's theme was 'Pandemics, Famines, and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.'

For three days scholars from a variety of countries discussed discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale natural and human-induced disasters in Europe and beyond.

The event aimed to shed light on how individuals and collectives cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale events, including wars, famines, pandemics, and natural or industrial disasters.

The core idea of 'Genealogies of Memory' is to facilitate academic exchange among Central and East European scholars of individual and collective memory, with the intention of promoting the study of memory in this region within the broader international academic community.

Panel titled “'Slow violence' and Memory of Industrial Catastrophes.”

language: English
duration: 2:33:53
Photo of the publication Hunger and Food Shortages - Collective Memory of Survival Strategies | 13th Genealogies of Memory

Hunger and Food Shortages - Collective Memory of Survival Strategies | 13th Genealogies of Memory

language: English
duration: 2:03:06

The 13th conference of the series 'Genealogies of Memory'! This year's theme was 'Pandemics, Famines, and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.'

For three days scholars from a variety of countries discussed discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale natural and human-induced disasters in Europe and beyond.

The event aimed to shed light on how individuals and collectives cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale events, including wars, famines, pandemics, and natural or industrial disasters.

The core idea of 'Genealogies of Memory' is to facilitate academic exchange among Central and East European scholars of individual and collective memory, with the intention of promoting the study of memory in this region within the broader international academic community.

Panel titled “Hunger and Food Shortages - Collective Memory of Survival Strategies.”

language: English
duration: 2:03:06
Photo of the publication Narratives of Wartime Famines - Between Individual and Collective Memory | 13th Genealogies of Memory

Narratives of Wartime Famines - Between Individual and Collective Memory | 13th Genealogies of Memory

language: English
duration: 1:47:18

The 13th conference of the series 'Genealogies of Memory'! This year's theme was 'Pandemics, Famines, and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.'

For three days scholars from a variety of countries discussed discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale natural and human-induced disasters in Europe and beyond.

The event aimed to shed light on how individuals and collectives cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale events, including wars, famines, pandemics, and natural or industrial disasters.

The core idea of 'Genealogies of Memory' is to facilitate academic exchange among Central and East European scholars of individual and collective memory, with the intention of promoting the study of memory in this region within the broader international academic community.

Panel titled “Narratives of Wartime Famines - Between Individual and Collective Memory.”

language: English
duration: 1:47:18
Photo of the publication Remembering Holodomor | 13th Genealogies of Memory

Remembering Holodomor | 13th Genealogies of Memory

language: English
duration: 1:56:01

The 13th conference of the series 'Genealogies of Memory'! This year's theme was 'Pandemics, Famines, and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.'

For three days scholars from a variety of countries discussed discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale natural and human-induced disasters in Europe and beyond.

The event aimed to shed light on how individuals and collectives cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale events, including wars, famines, pandemics, and natural or industrial disasters.

The core idea of 'Genealogies of Memory' is to facilitate academic exchange among Central and East European scholars of individual and collective memory, with the intention of promoting the study of memory in this region within the broader international academic community.

Panel titled “Remembering Holodomor.”

language: English
duration: 1:56:01
Photo of the publication Narrating Covid-19 | 13th Genealogies of Memory

Narrating Covid-19 | 13th Genealogies of Memory

language: English
duration: 2:13:06

The 13th conference of the series 'Genealogies of Memory'! This year's theme was 'Pandemics, Famines, and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.'

For three days scholars from a variety of countries discussed discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale natural and human-induced disasters in Europe and beyond.

The event aimed to shed light on how individuals and collectives cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale events, including wars, famines, pandemics, and natural or industrial disasters.

The core idea of 'Genealogies of Memory' is to facilitate academic exchange among Central and East European scholars of individual and collective memory, with the intention of promoting the study of memory in this region within the broader international academic community.

Panel titled “Narrating Covid-19.”

language: English
duration: 2:13:06
Photo of the publication Modern Epidemics - Between Trauma and Denial | 13th Genealogies of Memory

Modern Epidemics - Between Trauma and Denial | 13th Genealogies of Memory

language: English
duration: 2:35:37

The 13th conference of the series 'Genealogies of Memory'! This year's theme was 'Pandemics, Famines, and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.'

For three days scholars from a variety of countries discussed discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale natural and human-induced disasters in Europe and beyond.

The event aimed to shed light on how individuals and collectives cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale events, including wars, famines, pandemics, and natural or industrial disasters.

The core idea of 'Genealogies of Memory' is to facilitate academic exchange among Central and East European scholars of individual and collective memory, with the intention of promoting the study of memory in this region within the broader international academic community.

Panel titled “Modern Epidemics - Between Trauma and Denial.”

language: English
duration: 2:35:37
Photo of the publication Inconvenient to Remember? Spanish Flu and Past Epidemics in Central and Eastern Europe. | 13th Genealogies of Memory

Inconvenient to Remember? Spanish Flu and Past Epidemics in Central and Eastern Europe. | 13th Genealogies of Memory

language: English
duration: 1:58:41

The 13th conference of the series 'Genealogies of Memory'! This year's theme was 'Pandemics, Famines, and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.'

For three days scholars from a variety of countries discussed discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale natural and human-induced disasters in Europe and beyond.

The event aimed to shed light on how individuals and collectives cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale events, including wars, famines, pandemics, and natural or industrial disasters.

The core idea of 'Genealogies of Memory' is to facilitate academic exchange among Central and East European scholars of individual and collective memory, with the intention of promoting the study of memory in this region within the broader international academic community.

Panel titled “Inconvenient to Remember? Spanish Flu and Past Epidemics in Central and Eastern Europe.”

language: English
duration: 1:58:41
Photo of the publication Epidemic Times after the End: a History | 13th Genealogies of Memory

Epidemic Times after the End: a History | 13th Genealogies of Memory

language: English
duration: 1:50:23

The 13th conference of the series 'Genealogies of Memory'! This year's theme was 'Pandemics, Famines, and Industrial Disasters of the 20th and 21st Centuries.'

For three days scholars from a variety of countries discussed discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale natural and human-induced disasters in Europe and beyond.

The event aimed to shed light on how individuals and collectives cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale events, including wars, famines, pandemics, and natural or industrial disasters.

The core idea of 'Genealogies of Memory' is to facilitate academic exchange among Central and East European scholars of individual and collective memory, with the intention of promoting the study of memory in this region within the broader international academic community.

Keynote lecture by Dora Vargha (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin/University of Exeter) titled “Epidemic Times after the End: a History.”

language: English
duration: 1:50:23
Photo of the publication Panel on Economic Migrations | Europe on the Move

Panel on Economic Migrations | Europe on the Move

language: English
duration: 2:05:58

The debate “Europe on the Move: A Debate on the Centenary of the Treaty of Lausanne” took place on 1 December 2023 in Bremerhaven, Germany.

The year 2023 marks the centenary of the Treaty of Lausanne, which ended the Greco-Turkish War and initiated the so-called 'population exchange' between Greece and Turkey. The treaty also became the ultimate peace agreement to conclude the First World War.

The debate, which will focus on the role of 20th-century migration (history) in today’s collective European memory. The panelists discussed forced migration resulting from wars, persecution, and political decisions, as well as population movements that are less politically controlled, more individually planned, and even 'voluntary.’

The second panel discussion focuses on less politically controlled, more individually planned, 'voluntary' population movements. Triggered by a variety of factors such as economic, demographic or social reasons, these movements have had social, political and cultural significance, dynamically changing (to this day) the reality of all the countries of the continent, including those of the European Union, where freedom of movement has been defined as one of the foundations of the community.

This project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.

language: English
duration: 2:05:58
Photo of the publication Panel on Forced Migrations | Europe on the Move

Panel on Forced Migrations | Europe on the Move

language: English
duration: 2:09:37

The debate “Europe on the Move: A Debate on the Centenary of the Treaty of Lausanne” took place on 1 December 2023 in Bremerhaven, Germany.

The year 2023 marks the centenary of the Treaty of Lausanne, which ended the Greco-Turkish War and initiated the so-called 'population exchange' between Greece and Turkey. The treaty also became the ultimate peace agreement to conclude the First World War.

The debate, which will focus on the role of 20th-century migration (history) in today’s collective European memory. The panelists discussed forced migration resulting from wars, persecution, and political decisions, as well as population movements that are less politically controlled, more individually planned, and even 'voluntary.’

The first panel discussion deals with forced migration resulting from wars, persecution and political decisions. However, they will be approached not so much from a factual perspective as from the point of view of their impact on the memory and subsequent actions of both the states and societies affected by them.

This project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.

language: English
duration: 2:09:37