Browse our videos! Here you can find recordings from our events, including the European Remembrance Symposia and Genealogies of Memory conferences, video summaries of our educational youth projects, as well as Hi-story lessons animations for teachers and pupils.

Photo of the publication Culture and art in the face of the war

Culture and art in the face of the war

language: English
The conference aims to examine the mechanisms and methods used in the political and social implementation of historical disinformation, the portrayal of the enemy, and discuss ways in which these can be prevented or mitigated. The latter entails a (self-)critical analysis of political and scholarly dealings with history in various European countries. It also reflects on what happens when warnings from political and academic voices are not taken seriously enough, and on the consequences of the way in which attention has shifted from Russia to Ukraine.

The conference was preceded by a conference in Prague "Memory of the Past and Politics of the Present” on 28–29 November 2022 at the Goethe Institute in Prague. Both conferences are a part of the ENRS content framework “History, Memory, and Russia`s war against the Ukraine”.

language: English
Photo of the publication European perceptual patterns and stereotypes of Russia and Ukraine (II)

European perceptual patterns and stereotypes of Russia and Ukraine (II)

language: English
The conference aims to examine the mechanisms and methods used in the political and social implementation of historical disinformation, the portrayal of the enemy, and discuss ways in which these can be prevented or mitigated. The latter entails a (self-)critical analysis of political and scholarly dealings with history in various European countries. It also reflects on what happens when warnings from political and academic voices are not taken seriously enough, and on the consequences of the way in which attention has shifted from Russia to Ukraine.

The conference was preceded by a conference in Prague "Memory of the Past and Politics of the Present” on 28–29 November 2022 at the Goethe Institute in Prague. Both conferences are a part of the ENRS content framework “History, Memory, and Russia`s war against the Ukraine”.

language: English
Photo of the publication European perceptual patterns and stereotypes of Russia and Ukraine (I)

European perceptual patterns and stereotypes of Russia and Ukraine (I)

language: English
The conference aims to examine the mechanisms and methods used in the political and social implementation of historical disinformation, the portrayal of the enemy, and discuss ways in which these can be prevented or mitigated. The latter entails a (self-)critical analysis of political and scholarly dealings with history in various European countries. It also reflects on what happens when warnings from political and academic voices are not taken seriously enough, and on the consequences of the way in which attention has shifted from Russia to Ukraine.

The conference was preceded by a conference in Prague "Memory of the Past and Politics of the Present” on 28–29 November 2022 at the Goethe Institute in Prague. Both conferences are a part of the ENRS content framework “History, Memory, and Russia`s war against the Ukraine”.

language: English
Photo of the publication Russia’s War in Ukraine – Between Imperialism and (Self-)Destruction?

Russia’s War in Ukraine – Between Imperialism and (Self-)Destruction?

language: English
The conference aims to examine the mechanisms and methods used in the political and social implementation of historical disinformation, the portrayal of the enemy, and discuss ways in which these can be prevented or mitigated. The latter entails a (self-)critical analysis of political and scholarly dealings with history in various European countries. It also reflects on what happens when warnings from political and academic voices are not taken seriously enough, and on the consequences of the way in which attention has shifted from Russia to Ukraine.

The conference was preceded by a conference in Prague "Memory of the Past and Politics of the Present” on 28–29 November 2022 at the Goethe Institute in Prague. Both conferences are a part of the ENRS content framework “History, Memory, and Russia`s war against the Ukraine”.

language: English
Photo of the publication Political approaches to Central and Eastern Europe

Political approaches to Central and Eastern Europe

language: English
The conference aims to examine the mechanisms and methods used in the political and social implementation of historical disinformation, the portrayal of the enemy, and discuss ways in which these can be prevented or mitigated. The latter entails a (self-)critical analysis of political and scholarly dealings with history in various European countries. It also reflects on what happens when warnings from political and academic voices are not taken seriously enough, and on the consequences of the way in which attention has shifted from Russia to Ukraine.

The conference was preceded by a conference in Prague "Memory of the Past and Politics of the Present” on 28–29 November 2022 at the Goethe Institute in Prague. Both conferences are a part of the ENRS content framework “History, Memory, and Russia`s war against the Ukraine”.

language: English
Photo of the publication What should we have known about Russia and Ukraine before the war?

What should we have known about Russia and Ukraine before the war?

language: English
The conference aims to examine the mechanisms and methods used in the political and social implementation of historical disinformation, the portrayal of the enemy, and discuss ways in which these can be prevented or mitigated. The latter entails a (self-)critical analysis of political and scholarly dealings with history in various European countries. It also reflects on what happens when warnings from political and academic voices are not taken seriously enough, and on the consequences of the way in which attention has shifted from Russia to Ukraine.

The conference was preceded by a conference in Prague "Memory of the Past and Politics of the Present” on 28–29 November 2022 at the Goethe Institute in Prague. Both conferences are a part of the ENRS content framework “History, Memory, and Russia`s war against the Ukraine”.

language: English
Photo of the publication Introduction and Opening Lecture: “Rethinking memory studies in the time of war”

Introduction and Opening Lecture: “Rethinking memory studies in the time of war”

language: English
The conference aims to examine the mechanisms and methods used in the political and social implementation of historical disinformation, the portrayal of the enemy, and discuss ways in which these can be prevented or mitigated. The latter entails a (self-)critical analysis of political and scholarly dealings with history in various European countries. It also reflects on what happens when warnings from political and academic voices are not taken seriously enough, and on the consequences of the way in which attention has shifted from Russia to Ukraine.

The conference was preceded by a conference in Prague "Memory of the Past and Politics of the Present” on 28–29 November 2022 at the Goethe Institute in Prague. Both conferences are a part of the ENRS content framework “History, Memory, and Russia`s war against the Ukraine”.

language: English
Photo of the publication Visualisations of 20th-century Forced Migrations

'Visualisations of 20th-century Forced Migrations'

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:31:15

A film presentation of works created by the participants of the educational programme ‘Visualisations of 20th-century Forced Migrations’

Mladen Nikolić
Olga Filonchuk
Kalina Trajanovska
Joanna Kowalska
Badri Okujava
Antonia Foldes
Liana Blicharska
Daria Koltsova
Andrea Škopková
Brenna Yellin

’Visualisations of 20th-century Forced Migrations. Transnational Memory in Pictures and Art’ was a programme for young artists and professionals under the age of 35 interested in the complex histories of the European regions affected by forced migration. The project was a joint initiative of the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity and Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:31:15
Photo of the publication After the Great War. A New Europe 1918–1923 – a new map of Europe

"After the Great War. A New Europe 1918–1923" – a new map of Europe

language: English
subtitles: EN
duration: 0:40

After the Great War, a number of countries emerged or regained their independence, mainly in East-Central Europe, among others: Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The only countries created in Western Europe were Ireland and the Kingdom of Iceland.

language: English
subtitles: EN
duration: 0:40
Photo of the publication After the Great War. A New Europe 1918-1923 exhibition – an invitation from Prof. Jay Winter

"After the Great War. A New Europe 1918-1923" exhibition – an invitation from Prof. Jay Winter

language: English
subtitles: PL HR FR DE
duration: 00:04:22
See Prof. Jay Winter from Yale University, a member of the Academic Council of the exhibition, sharing his personal reflections on this unusual outdoor display dedicated to an extremely important, yet often overlooked period in the XX century history of Europe and the world. The footage was shot during the presentation at the French town of Verdun, one of the most important historical sites related to the First World War, in August 2019. The exhibition has been worked out as a result of discussions between historians and experts from many countries. The aim of the project is to allow the visitors to learn about the variety of perspectives, experiences and attitudes in regard to the aftermath of the First World War and the emergence of the new order. More information about the exhibition you will find here:
language: English
subtitles: PL HR FR DE
duration: 00:04:22
Photo of the publication Hi-Story Lessons: the Marshall Plan

Hi-Story Lessons: the Marshall Plan

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:31

written by Prof. Wojciech Roszkowski, edited by Prof. Peer Vries and Dr Nathan Marcus

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:31
Photo of the publication Hi-Story Lessons: The Russian Revolution

Hi-Story Lessons: The Russian Revolution

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:15

Written by written by Prof. Wojciech Roszkowski, Prof. Andrzej Nowak, edited by Dr Nathan Marcus.

The video is available in 7 language versions (English, Czech, German, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, and Slovak) free of charge, within the framework of Open Educational Resources.

The animation is a part of a bigger project called ‘Hi-story lessons. Teaching & learning about 20th-century European history’.

Creation of the animation would not be possible if not for the financial support of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM), as well as contributions of the following partners: the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Poland; the Ministry of Human Capacities, Hungary; the Slovak Institute of National Remembrance; the European Association of History Educators EUROCLIO, the Netherlands; Post Bellum, Czech Republic; the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Mihálya Fazekasa Elementary and Junior High School, Hungary.

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:15
Photo of the publication Hi-Story Lessons: Year 1968

Hi-Story Lessons: Year 1968

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:25

Written by Prof. Wojciech Roszkowski, edited by Prof. Jan Rydel, dr Oldřich Tůma

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 00:05:25
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Ieva Lase

Remember. 23 August: Ieva Lase

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:01:43
Ieva Lase was a Latvian translator, member of the national resistance movement, dissident and political prisoner.
language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:01:43
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Doina Cornea

Remember. 23 August: Doina Cornea

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:02:08
Doina Maria Cornea was a professor of French language, linguist, translator, human rights activist, and one of the most emblematic figures of the antitotalitarian opposition in Romania.
language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:02:08
Photo of the publication Remember. 23 August: Władysław Bartoszewski

Remember. 23 August: Władysław Bartoszewski

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:01:50

Władysław Bartoszewski was a Polish historian, journalist, writer, politician, former Auschwitz concentration camp prisoner, the Second World War Resistance fighter, participant in the Warsaw Uprising, political prisoner during the communist era, Righteous among the Nations of the World.

language: English
subtitles: English
duration: 00:01:50
Photo of the publication 9th European Remembrance Symposium: Day 3 (28.10.2021)

9th European Remembrance Symposium: Day 3 (28.10.2021)

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 4:22:24

Programme of Day 3 of the 9th European Remembrance Symposium

01:10 Third panel discussion. Struggles with the past: memory and politics
02:04:42 Round table discussion. The future of European historical debates
03:55:28 Closing remarks

9th edition of the European Remembrance Symposiumm titled ‘Memory and Identity in Europe: Presence and Future’ aims at reflecting on the role of 20th-century history and historical memory in contemporary European identity. Does the history of the last century unite or divide Europeans? What role in building the identity of the inhabitants of the continent does the memory of the past play today? Is a common, European culture of remembrance even possible?

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 4:22:24
Photo of the publication 9th European Remembrance Symposium: Day 2 (27.10.2021)

9th European Remembrance Symposium: Day 2 (27.10.2021)

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 6:23:12

Programme of Day 2 of the 9th European Remembrance Symposium

2:32 First panel discussion. Remembrance in action: everyday challenges and recommendations for the future
2:27:22 Case studies. Project practices
4:27:24 Second panel discussion. 1989 revisited

9th edition of the European Remembrance Symposiumm titled ‘Memory and Identity in Europe: Presence and Future’ aims at reflecting on the role of 20th-century history and historical memory in contemporary European identity. Does the history of the last century unite or divide Europeans? What role in building the identity of the inhabitants of the continent does the memory of the past play today? Is a common, European culture of remembrance even possible?

language: English
subtitles: none
duration: 6:23:12